Thursday, August 20, 2015

Neon Lights

He sits in the front of his father's restaurant.  He'll inherit it one day and that makes him cry.  In the land of opportunity he works from sunup to sundown frying rice while his friends drink Cokes.  His father tries to explain why he should be grateful, but he sees it as prison.  He thinks his father has run from one apron behind a wok to another apron behind a wok.  What is the difference between America and Shanghai.  Is it really better, he thought.  The son recalls the day when he and his father walked down a street where everyone on it knew how to pronounce and say their name.  Everyone ate dog every once in a while and "no", he never ate dog.  Now, he is in America where everyone calls him Mr. Wong and speaks as if he is an imbecile and expects his father to "bow" and calls his mother "Suzy".  Was it really a better trade.  Young son puts his head in his hands.  He'll inherit all of this day.