Thursday, September 1, 2011


God knows the heart and the intent of it.  We all tend to think that if we talk a lot, we can hide intent, but the sad fact is that intent is hard to hide.  Whenever I am with a person for whom I am looking for deception, they seem to follow the same pattern.  Private people, like myself, let you know from the beginning of the relationship that I will not tell you everything about me.  I have nothing to hide, but my life is not a museum.  I am pretty forward.  Liars are different.  Most of them try to find something to say.  They have spent time making up excuses and rehearsing lines so that when the subject comes up, they have a quick and easy answer.  it is almost, too convenient.  Many liars resort to the answer that they think makes all their problems go away.  "I don't know".  I have heard this in so many forms."I blanked out and when I woke up, I was in handcuffs", or "I hit my head and I can't remember anything" or "I got confused because of a medication I was on".  Intent is rarely said through the mouth, but if you watch what they do, it becomes as apparent as the sun at noon.   Behavior speaks louder than words.

Don't Know Why I Didn't Come

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