Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Right Here

  In the course of human events, we can have some of the most irrational of thoughts.  I once thought that tragedy could only be solved by movement.  Go to a place that does not know you.  Flee to a place that you don’t know.  I thought that if you could get to a better place than that place will be better.  I did not know that healing in the place of your hurt was even  better than healing in the place where you weren’t hurt.  I have been in this town long enough to have some true blue friends and some sworn enemies.  I have cried tears that I never thought I would cry here.  My greatest disappointment in life happened right here.  I am talking about the thing that I try to sleep off because it has followed me to my bed and has seeped into my dreams.  When I awake, it is still sitting on the  side of my bed.  I could run from the barrenness of the place where I was made barren, stripped of every bit of who I once was.  I could run, but what if the flowers bloom right here.  What if the wind blows the seeds of hope into my field and I watch it pop up in rows.  What happens if the rains come and the streams swell with sunfish.  I don’t want to be somewhere else, when my garden blooms right here.  I think I hear the sound of the abundance of rain………


Works burned

Early this morning, I had a dream about my mother.  She was extremely unperfect and she died many years ago.  In the dream, she was dead, but her works were being tried.  When a person dies, their works can live far after they have hit the ground.  Their works can live into the next generation.  Joseph's works lived on long after Joseph died.  In th dream, she had bought me clothing and makeup which I interepreted were trinckets of her affection.  God did not even consider them.  He came after the way she allowed the enemy to ransack her home.  She had to give an account of the rules of Christ she blatantl ignored.  She stood with no answer, but desperately seeking one.  I believe this is a warning to the body of Christ that can do things for motives other than the Kingdom.  The Bible says that when the works are burned, the builder suffers great loss, but he is saved from the fire.  How can we be saved and still experience such great loss.  That is how.  God knows why you do what you do.  You really can't fool God.

Willful Sin

In the third chapter of Genesis, Eve is decieved by the serpent and she eats the forbidden fruit.  Adam is not decieved, he just followed Eve.  He eats the forbidden fruit.  I know generations of people who still find the lure of forbidden fruit tempting.  You can see it in the way that they execute their lives.  Many of them are church babies who just had to see what it would be like to.......  I look at Adam and Eve and think of their sin.  If they did not have the law that the tree was forbidden, redemption would have looked different.  Because they knew the law, redemption came, but they had to loose something.  They lost paradise.  The paradise they lost was not restored.  Willful sin is like that.  You will never have the life you gave up to have the life you had.  Why would God give you back everything you gave up.  No, he restores some and he leaves your life a bit wanting because you never get paradise back again.