Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Willful Sin

In the third chapter of Genesis, Eve is decieved by the serpent and she eats the forbidden fruit.  Adam is not decieved, he just followed Eve.  He eats the forbidden fruit.  I know generations of people who still find the lure of forbidden fruit tempting.  You can see it in the way that they execute their lives.  Many of them are church babies who just had to see what it would be like to.......  I look at Adam and Eve and think of their sin.  If they did not have the law that the tree was forbidden, redemption would have looked different.  Because they knew the law, redemption came, but they had to loose something.  They lost paradise.  The paradise they lost was not restored.  Willful sin is like that.  You will never have the life you gave up to have the life you had.  Why would God give you back everything you gave up.  No, he restores some and he leaves your life a bit wanting because you never get paradise back again.

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