Monday, January 27, 2014

The Clean up man

My first introduction to God was through two very failed people.  They were my parents.  My mother would run into brick walls and was looking for God to rescue her.  My father expected God to take care of me when he went tip toeing through the tulips.  That left a jacked up view of God.  God was the cleanup man.  When you act a total fool in life, he was there to make all the wrongs right.  In reality, we all felt the impact of that brick wall and my father did not leave us in the hand of God, he just left.  I did not like the fact that all I had to give God was a bunch of broken pieces.  All I had was glass shattered on the roadway and refuge in bags.  How could I expect a great God to be the sanitation department of my life?  It seemed so unfair for him, yet, he did it.  He straightened things out and made everything all right.  You can't beat that with a stick.

Straighten my Life Out

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Love me

Love me while I am at the place of love. 
Don't pass by me while my eyes are longing for a word from you like you don't see me.
Don't keep me waiting on purpose because you like disrupting my schedules.
Don't pretend that it is me who chose you when it was you who pursued me.
Don't flirt with others to see the color in my face glow red.
Don't neglect to say goodbye, or call for no reason or buy me a rose from a gas station.
Don't treat this place of love like the temple will always be erected.
Like a foolish man, you will find, that you will run to the place of love,

and I won't live there anymore.

Failed men

Some women love failed men.
They need a man who needs a place to stay
Five dollars for a sandwich
Or a ride from the bus stop

Some women love failed men.
Those who have had one too many wives
More kids than a field got corn
Wild oats

Some women love failed men
They think love is authentic when he has jailtime tattoos
When he remembers his number 218456-45
When he takes pride in how many times he has been shot

A one woman man
with a good job
a place to live
planned children
and a clean record
are ridiculed and passed over
as being slightly feminine
or nerdy because they are not needy

Like I said, some women can only love failed me.

Crocodile style

I can remember seeing my mother cry like a common nine year old.  Tears were running crocodile style and she was heaving for breath.  Her wails were not like childbirth, painful, but full of expectation.  They were the tears of a foolish women who thought she had found a shortcut in the woods.  She perceived that maybe the time she wasted could be forgotten in the depths of the enchanted forest.  She heard the sound of laughter and the sound of joy and supposed the others had taken a similar path.  She longed to laugh like they laughed and be joyous like they were joyous.  Alas she found that they were not laughing, they were laughing at her.  They were not full of joy, but wine and they were drunk.  The only thing she found in the depths of the woods was the big bad wolf.  She cried not because he was going to consume her, but because she had no where to run to and options were fleeting.  Her back was against the wall and there was no ladder this time.  That is why she cried like a common nine year old.  Tears running down her cheeks crocodile style.


If someone would have told me

that the white picket fence would be a prison wall
that the 2.5 kids would fall sick and die young
that the little cottage house would be mortgaged thirty years
that the dog named Spot would bite me
that the blue skies would turn grey
that the sun would be covered by the clouds
that there was nothing at the end of the rainbow, but the end of the rainbow.

I would have given up. 

I am glad no one told me..............that.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Why look where He is not?

During a crowded holiday, the family of Jesus Christ loaded up the donkey and went to the city.  While there, they lost track of Jesus when they realized he was not in the caravan.  They turned around and searched for two days only to find him in the synagogue handling his business with lawyers and doctors.  My thought is this, Jesus was not born like this.  He grew like this.  They had to know that they had a spiritually deep son and the synagogue would have been the first place I looked.  How often do we look for God in places that he is not in.  Some look for Jesus in the bottom of a bottom or in a dope den or in a house of irrepute.  Why do we forsake going to church.  Jesus loved it so much, he spent two days there.  Has it become fashionable to seek God in movies, songs, poems and raps, but not in church.  I grew up in a society that had a church as the center of it.  It was the meeting place, the wedding spot, the bingo spot, the calendar tea spot and every other spot in between.  I spent more time in church than I did anywhere else and I did not die.  I think I did alright.  If you are looking for Jesus, try church.