Monday, January 27, 2014

The Clean up man

My first introduction to God was through two very failed people.  They were my parents.  My mother would run into brick walls and was looking for God to rescue her.  My father expected God to take care of me when he went tip toeing through the tulips.  That left a jacked up view of God.  God was the cleanup man.  When you act a total fool in life, he was there to make all the wrongs right.  In reality, we all felt the impact of that brick wall and my father did not leave us in the hand of God, he just left.  I did not like the fact that all I had to give God was a bunch of broken pieces.  All I had was glass shattered on the roadway and refuge in bags.  How could I expect a great God to be the sanitation department of my life?  It seemed so unfair for him, yet, he did it.  He straightened things out and made everything all right.  You can't beat that with a stick.

Straighten my Life Out

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