Monday, March 28, 2011


Good Morning,
Isaiah 55:6
Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near
I watched an interesting movie called, "Once".  It is about a musician living in Dublin Ireland.  He is playing on the street when he meets a young woman who helps him find his niche in music.  She helps him record and sell his music to a producer all in one week.  By the end of the week, he knows he needs to go to London and he wants to take her, but she reveals that she is waiting on her husband who is still in Czechoslovakia.  Their relationship was not intimate because she remained loyal to her husband, and the musician was destined to leave.  They were to only interface with each other for one week out of their lives.
    We talk about God like he will always be there.  He will always be there, but he may not be found.  He will always be there, but not near.  We have to be careful to treasure Him and not treat him like an old pair of shoes thrown in the back of the closet.  God can move away from you and yet be in your face.
    My prayer is that we take advantage of every moment we have with God.

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