Monday, August 29, 2011

Barbie Doll

I have spent over half my life as a motherless daughter.  I am super sensitive to the relationships between mothers and daughters.  My own mother was overweight and had big feet.  Though she prayed and prayed, I was born and I became overweight.  My feet aren't little.  I can remember thinking about her comments on my looks.  What did she think she was getting?  I was born with the same flaws as her.  I cringe when I hear women call their daughters names.  "She's too black", "Her hair is nappy", "She should have been a lawyer", "When will she get married".  Sometimes, the rule we use to judge our daughters, just is not fair.  They should not have to be perfect.  Sometimes, it is good to allow them to make mistakes, celebrate triumphs and learn from the life they live.  The Barbie doll, with the pink Cadillac, aquamarine pool and gorgeous boyfriend named, Ken, has never existed.  Love your daughter if she dropped out of school, cut off all her hair and wore a suit two sizes to small. 

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