Wednesday, March 20, 2013

His way is easy

This morning, my mind is thinking on the leadership of Moses and how easy it should have been.  I think that it is unfortunate that all of his trials did not lead him to Canaan.  Yesterday, I thought of taking a long journey.  I live several hours from Atlanta.  One does not just decide to go to Atlanta, you plan for Atlanta.  The children of Israel were told to pack light and when they exited Egypt, there were guidelines for them to follow them.  The way was simple.  Just follow God.  Some idiots attempt to make the trip to Atlanta in one day without stopping for bathroom breaks and leg stretches.  Sometimes, you need to plan a nice meal at a restaurant or some sightseeing along the way, so that the way does not become laborious.  Those, who become embittered by the way, are those who were foolish in their following.  God sent a cloud and a pillar of fire to lead the children of Israel in the wilderness.  God moves the cloud, Moses follows the cloud, the people follow Moses.  That was the plan.  Somewhere along the way, the people stopped following the plan.  They wanted to question the way.  They wanted to question God, but since that was deadly, they questioned Moses.  They messed up the plan.  God's yoke is easy and his burden is light.  What he gives us to do is not a very hard thing to do.  When people become bitter about the way, it usually is something that they have done that has caused them to feel this way.  I think of those who arrive in Atlanta way too tired from no sleep, irritated because they have to go to the bathroom, lost because they did not use a map, hungry because they did not stop to eat, nervous because they have never driven through the mountains and weary because they got bitter along the way.

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