Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Whose Kingdom are you building anyway?

When Joseph was in Egypt he gained the favor of Pharoe.  Not only he, but his descendents after him.  They grew to be a strong nation with many people.  After this, a Pharoe who did not know Joseph saw the multitude of Hebrews in Goshen and he made them slaves.  My thought today is on Kingdom builders.  When someone is building God's Kingdom, movement is not restricted.  God's Kingdom is not just in one place.  God's Kingdom is so vast that you cannot restrict him to the four walls of your choice, but many people make the Kingdom of God whereever they are in the Kingdom.  Out of fear and not faith, people choose to bless those who stay in that place and curse those who leave.  It was fear that drove Pharoe to become restrictive.  Some people fear that their positions are in jeopardy.  Some people fear new people will displace the old.  Some people fear that their way of live is going to change.  Some people have a natural dislike for talented people because of their own insecurities.  It is because of these reasons and many more that one person seeks to build their kingdom on the backs of others instead of on the principles of God.  There are some places that don't suffer from this and you can freely move in and out as God's will dictates.  Then, there are other places where you just have to divorce the place.  Your name is mud when you leave the place because of how they think.  The brainwashing did not work.  You did not buy in.  You did not invest in the place.  Just the thought that someone can think that way says how much they have usurped the will of God to pertain only to things that pertain to them.  In a dark way, that is the begining of a cult.  It is the need to feel superior to other churches and organizations.  Cults build by fear and insecurity.  Let's not offend a righteous God by making him the God of a fishbowl.

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