Sunday, April 3, 2011


I can remember having my first job fresh from college.  I needed a job quickly so God blessed me to have a position where the money was good, but not many workers.  When I started working there, there were about three employees.  We were able to schedule doctor's appointments and go on job interviews with ease since we could cover each other.  Toward the end of my time there, most of the employees had moved on to other positions and it was just me alone.  I could not take sick days, I could not schedule appointments and I had no time for myself.  I felt like a prisoner trapped in that job.  I learned that it is not good to be indispensable.  If you have to compromise taking care of yourself because no one will do what you do, that is not good.  Even Jesus went away into the wilderness for his alone time.  As a matter of fact, he took thirty-three years preparing for being the Messiah.  In those thirty three years, he learned a trade, was active in the synagogue and fellow shipped with his family in Nazareth.  He really did have a normal life until his ministry.  After he started his ministry, he chose twelve disciples to help him out.  Some stuff, Jesus did and some stuff the disciples did.  I pray that you don't allow people to put you into places where you are the only one doing the work and you don't have time to take care of yourself.  The basic building block of any institution is you, so make sure you take care of yourself.

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