Monday, September 2, 2013

Help me make it through the night.

There comes a time, at the end of the day, when unavoidable battles creep into my brain.  This is the stuff I worked over in the day so that I did not have to acknowledge it's presence.  In the night time, It comes because it knows that I have nothing else to cover it with.  I can't sing a million songs or write a million poems, I just have to now get through the night.  Now, there used to be a time when dead bodies were buried in the parlour of the home or the living room.  A piece of gauze was laid on the body and it would wait burial the next day.  Well, when the body was in the home, visitors would come by to help you pass the night.  They wouldn't come to talk, or even be visibly seen in their chair in the corner, you just knew they were there if you needed them.  They may bring a pie or a piece of fried chicken or a bottle of homemade wine.  Their only purpose is to make sure you don't spend this difficult night alone.  God is like that.  He makes sure that you don't have to spend the worst moments of the evening by yourself.  He sits up with you through the night.  In the morning, the body is laid to rest and you may not have another event like that for the next twenty years, but when you do, God will set up with you through the night.

Help Me Make it Through the Night Norah Jones, written by Kris Kristofferson.

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