Wednesday, October 24, 2012

He doesn't lead me to brown pastures

I grew up as a gypsy of sorts.  We were always running from one place to the other.  I can remember the year when my mother put all our belongings in a plastic bag and we fled to the city of Cleveland.  Now, Cleveland is not a bad city.  My family members come from there and they live and do quite well.  It was their place of empowerment.  It was not the place of empowerment for us.  My mother could not find a job because her nursing degree was incomplete there.  She had to go back to school.  In the meantime, we lived on 83rd street in an apartment building that had seen better days.  We did not have money for anything.  There was sicknesses and disease.  It was the only Christmas where we were not able to have anything.  I don't call that a green pasture, but then again, the Lord did not lead us to that place.  That is where my mother went.  She led us to that insufficient place. 

The Lord lies me down in green pastures.  When he is in control, he takes me to places that are sufficient for me.  He does not lead me to places where I am in the cold and struggling to survive.  He does not lead me to places where I am hungry with no food to satisfy the hunger.  God lead the children of Israel to the desert, but the desert was a place of provision.  They did not have to worry about food and they did not have to worry about Pharaoh.  I know it was a desert, but God can make even your roughest place provisional.  If He lead you there, He will sustain you there.

The Lord is My Shepherd by Helen Baylor

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