Monday, October 22, 2012

My funny Valentine

Today, I am thinking about how hard it is to be friends with someone who is not, somewhat, your equal.  When you are walking hand in hand with someone who has enough money to solve your problem, it is difficult not to use the relationship to get your natural needs met.  There has to be a mutual understanding that I am not going to come to you for your luxuries because we are friends and the wealthy one knows that they have the right and the duty to say, “no”.  The poor have to understand that the relationship is not their answer to their problems and the rich have to understand that the poor are with you always.  You aren’t God.  In this, I find it hard to have friends who aren’t financially, emotionally, and physically somewhat equal.  When I think of God, I wonder how he has a relationship with us.  He really does have all power in his hands.  He really can change our lives.  The relationship between him and man is indeed unusual, but God makes it work.  He does not always answer prayer.  He does not have to.  To be in a relationship with him, you must understand that he has a will and it does not revolve around you.  He can say, “No” and still be in relationship with you.  We have to understand that the answer is not always in his hands.  He made us, equipped us and empowered us to solve some problems without his petition.  As with an unusual rich friend, there are parts of their world where I will not have access.  It is OK.  God has a part of his nature that is sovereignty at it’s best.  We as human beings simply will not be able to comprehend all of who he is. 

With those boundaries, I believe  I have found the secret to being in relationship with God.  It is allowing him to express his Godship without demanding that He does it solely at my beck and call.  Thus, when he says, "no", I simply agree and wait until the next time I can meet him again. Thus he remains the love of my life, sometimes near, all the time far and touchably untouched.  He is the joyous source of my greatest pain.  He makes me smile and laugh until I cry my brown eyes blue.  He is my savior who was loyal to my cause as the big bad wolf blew my house down. And I still love him. We are not equal but we walk hand in hand like the greater and lesser light.  My funny Valentine.

My funny Valentine



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